Utah Stories from the Beehive Archive

Cyrus Dallin and the Angel Moroni


Dublin Core


Cyrus Dallin and the Angel Moroni


The Angel Moroni is an iconic symbol that sits atop the LDS temple in downtown Salt Lake City. But did you know it was sculpted by a Protestant artist? 

In 1891, the plaster model for the statue of the Angel Moroni that sits atop the tallest spire of the Salt Lake LDS Temple was completed. Born in Springville to Mormon pioneer parents, the angel's sculptor, Cyrus Dallin, had strong ties to Utah. But he never identified with Mormonism, perhaps because the LDS church appears to have excommunicated his father for supporting non-Mormon political candidates. Members of the Dallin family later converted to Presbyterianism and young Cyrus attended a Presbyterian school.

Dallin won his first art competition, part of a local fair, at a young age. Recognizing his talent, a couple of local men paid for his train fare to Boston where he studied with the famous sculptor Truman Bartlett. After opening his own studio a few years later, Dallin saved up enough money to travel to the art capital of the world—Paris—where he continued his art instruction under two master sculptors. Over time, Dallin developed into a first-rate artist, winning a number of important commissions. Perhaps his most famous, titled Appeal to the Great Spirit, sits in front of Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. Other Dallin pieces can be found in Chicago's Lincoln Park, the Library of Congress in Washington DC, and around Utah. A copy of his statue Massasoit stands outside the state capitol building, and the Springville Museum of Art, which Dallin helped found, owns several of his pieces. The sculpture of Brigham Young at the intersection of Main Street and South Temple in SaltLake is also a Dallin. But, because of its visibility and symbolic importance to members of the LDS church worldwide, Dallin's most popular work is arguably the Moroni statue.


Brandon Johnson for Utah Humanities © 2006


Image: Cyrus E. Dallin is shown in his studio with busts of his mother and son Lawrence. Cyrus Edwin Dallin was a sculptor and educator. His works are displayed in large cities across the United States. Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society.

See Rell G. Francis, Cyrus E. Dallin: Let Justice Be Done (Springville, Utah: Rell G. Francis, 1976). Also see Francis’s entry on Dallin in the online Utah History Encyclopedia, as well as websites belonging to the Cyrus E. Dallin Art Museum and the Springville Museum of Art 


The Beehive Archive is a production of Utah Humanities. Find sources and the whole collection of past episodes at www.utahhumanities.org

