Rob Carney; Ken Waldman - Salt Lake City

Sep 29, 2020, 7:00 pm


Rob Carney; Ken Waldman

Book Title

Facts and Figures; Sports Page


Salt Lake City

Statewide Region


Zoom Conference Call
202 W 300 N
Salt Lake City , UT 84103-1108
Map [+]


Weller Book Works is excited to host poets Rob Carney and Ken Waldman.

Join us via Zoom for a reading and Q&A:

Rob Carney is author of Facts and Figures: Poetry. There's a lunatic logic at work in these poems, from the opening section of thirteen facts to the final pages inspired by Christopher Smart, the 18th-century poet locked away in an asylum with his cat. Here, astrophysics becomes an empathy lesson, spelling lessons give way to magic, and the best healing witch in Louisiana shares the stage with orcas and a hermit crab. Add to that a math exam that doesn't add up, and if/then conditionals that add up strangely; plus, the worst fire in Spokane, Washington, and the origin story of owls. Facts and Figures is saner than a calendar. Calendars have twelve months, but the year—like this book—has thirteen moons.

Ken Waldman is author of Sports Page. Mark D. Baumgartner writes, "It's easy to get lost in Ken Waldman's Sports Page. There is joy here, poem after poem: the easy turn of 6-4-3 double play, the hard drop ofa backhand return. The breadth of his reach is startling. Baseball and basketball, tennis and golf, fishing swimming, and even chess all find their way into the poems gathered here. Walkdman transports us from the field to the press box to our own personal spaces, where we battle invisible ghosts and unlikely dreams and, sometimes, we lose. Sports Page shows us again and again the deep beauty in the struggle. these are poems with fight, poems with grit, poems with genuine and unmistakable grace."

This event is made possible with support from Weller Book Works and Utah Humanities.


