Utah Humanities Virtual Community Conversations: Hallucinogenic Therapy

Dec 8, 2022, 6:30 pm

Join us for another Community Conversation on
Thursday, December 8, 2022
6:30 - 8:00pm MST

2022 Virtual Community Conversations with Dr. Dave:
The Humanities in The News
Topic: Hallucinogenic Therapy

Guest experts:

Dr. David Timpson, MD

Dr. Timpson has had a 35-year career in clinical anesthesiology, ran a pain clinic, and conducted ketamine clinical trials for people with chronic pain, depression and anxiety with low-dose ketamine. In his retirement he follows what's happening in the field of psychedelics with great interest and excitement. He explores consciousness, non-duality, Buddhism, Sufism, and mystical Christianity.

Dr. Reid Robison, MD, MBA
Psychedelic Psychiatrist and Chief Clinical Officer at Numinous

Dr. Robison's focus is to make top quality mental health therapies accessible to all. He builds clinics, conducts research, and trains clinicians in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapies with the goal of revolutionizing the way we get and stay mentally healthy, and bringing psychedelic medicine into everyday healthcare.

Karen Salas, BA, LMT
The Unfolding Human

Karen is a Licensed Massage Therapist & Owner of The Unfolding Human. She is trained in harm reduction for people using psychedelics and is interested in exploring the ceremonial and ethical use of psychedelics in massage therapy. In her massage practice, she facilitates sacred journeys and personal transformation by crafting a 'set and setting' that is integral to any psychedelic journey. Her personal experience includes attending ayahuasca ceremonies in Peru within the Shipibo tradition.

*This conversation is open to the public. No registration is required for this conversation, but please join Zoom before 6:30 PM and be on the call from the beginning. Latecomers can be disruptive.

We will remove attendees who do not participate on the call. We also ask that any members of the media who would like to attend the conversation to contact us prior to the event.

Join Zoom Meeting

2022 Virtual Community Conversations with Dr. Dave: The Humanities in Our News

The humanities help us understand ourselves and other people, fosters social justice and inclusivity, and give us tools for community healing and global transformation. This next year, we will examine each month a different issue in the news, for the purpose of understanding what local and global events tell us about ourselves and developing new ways of thinking about and responding to our local and global worlds. Our topics may range from gun violence and mask mandates to UFO sightings and astrological predictions. Each meeting we will first hear an expert’s opinions and then open the conversation to all participants for civil dialogue about the topic.

Info on Community Conversations:
The first 30 minutes will be spent with a trained facilitator asking topical questions and allowing a guest "expert" to share their views. Afterward will be a 60-minute guided dialogue with all participants getting the chance to offer opinions or ask questions.

We emphasize that these conversations are not debates, town halls, lectures, or presentations - rather, it is a dialogue in which everyone who attends has an equal voice. At the beginning of each conversation we ask everyone to agree to follow certain conversation agreements allowing for a respectful and confidential experience.

These conversations are not recorded to ensure a brave space while respecting participants' confidentiality.

Zoom Conference Call

Zoom program
Salt Lake City , UT 84103-1108
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Event Contact:

Caitlin McDonald
