UCP Workshop 1 Part B | Artifact Access & Handling

Feb 2, 2023, 10:00 am

Collections Stewardship: Utah Collections Preservation Program (UCP) delivers virtual and on-site training and mentorship activities designed to improve the preservation of collections across Utah.

Join us for this two-part in-person regional workshop to learn more about collections access and object handling. Workshop is in two parts with a basic interim assignment. Participation in both parts is expected upon registration.

Register for the workshop here https://artsandmuseums.utah.gov/in-person-workshops/

Utah Collections Preservation is a joint project of the Utah Division of Arts & Museums and Utah Humanities, with generous funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Grand County Library, Moab Branch

257 E Center St
Moab , UT 84532-2463
Map [+]

Event Contact:

Marie Desrochers
(801) 236-7546
