
Join Utah Humanities as a monthly sustaining donor and invest in strengthening communities across the state. Your ongoing support gives us the security to make long-term commitments to our programs and helps us achieve positive and impactful change.

So, why join?

  • It's effortless. Automatic deduction from the account of your choice means no reminders to
            renew. Simply call our office to change or suspend contributions.
  • It's efficient. We won't send you additional solicitations during the year and we will send you a
            tax receipt each year by January 15th.
  • It's powerful. Monthly gifts add up and make a larger impact!
  • It's fun. Sustainers will receive advance notice of local UH activities and invitations to occasional
            special events and a subscription to the NEH's Humanities magazine.

For more information, contact Cristi Wetterberg at 801.359.9670 x108.
